Labcon’s Pagoda® and Pagoda® Plus systems let you reload pipet tip racks with quality Labcon tips in a fraction of the time it takes you to reload by hand. Save yourself time and cost while also helping our environment by eliminating the need to throw away tip racks. And since you can refill racks without touching the tips, you won’t expose your tips to contamination like other refilling systems. Not only is the Pagoda® simple to use, it greatly reduces your pipet tip waste. There are more styles of tips available in Pagoda® refills than any other refilling system in the world. Give yourself a break and help the environment today with the Pagoda® and Pagoda® Plus systems.
Pagoda® Loaders work with Labcon pipet tips from 0.1-10µL up to 250µL. Refillable racks are required for loader and are sold separately.
Key Features:
• 90% less waste than pre-racked tips
• Load 10 times faster than by hand
• 16 tip styles for all popular pipettors
• Reusable loader cuts up to 5x the waste of hand refilling systems
• Hands or gloved hands never touch the tips
• RNase, DNase, endotoxin free certified in every lot
• Color coded refill platforms